Foot Fitness and Heart Health

While your feet and heart are quite far apart, they share a surprisingly close connection. Despite the distance, your feet and their general health can offer valuable insights into your cardiovascular system, providing early warnings of potential heart problems and circulatory concerns.

NY Foot Health knows how better blood flow and fitter feet can make a major difference to overall health. Understanding the links empowers patients to take proactive steps for a healthier future, so we’ve written this blog post to help you do just that!

From Toes to Ticker

The conditions listed below can be detected early via their connection to your lower extremity health.

Standard Steps

You’re not without options when it comes to managing the conditions above. In fact, you can check out a few solid options for management and prevention below!

Simultaneously boosting your heart health and foot health is always a good idea, so if you have any additional questions, contact your podiatrist! And if you don’t have one, use our online directory to find a DPM nearby. You can also contact us to subscribe to our free e-newsletter.


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